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Saturday, June 01, 2013

DB2 Refresher

DB2 (Database 2)


IBM’s first database is IMS. This is a hierarchical database. IBM introduces its second base on relational concepts in 1980s and it is called as Database 2 (DB2).

Advantage of DBMS over File Management System

1.Increased Independency

If a new field is added to a file, the layout of the file should be changed in all the programs with new field, though the programs do not use this field. But if a new column is added to a table, it does not need any program change, as long as the programs do not need this field. Thus programs using Databases are developed independent of physical structure.

2.Less Redundancy

In file system, the same data is stored in multiple files to meet the requirements of different applications. In DB2, we can store the common information in one table and make all the applications to share it. By means of centralized control and storing the fact at the right place and only once, data redundancy is reduced.

3.Increased Concurrency and Integrity
Concurrency allows more than one task to share a resource concurrently. Integrity is defined as validity or correctness of data. In file system, if a file is allocated with OLD disposition, then no other program can use it. DB2 allows more than one task to use the same table in update mode. At the same time, integrity of data is ensured by its sophisticated locking strategy.

4.Improved Security
In file system, all the records in the file are subjected to a specific access right. The access cannot be controlled at field level or set level. But in DB2, we can restrict access on column level and set level. 

Types of Database

Hierarchical    Relation between entities is established using parent-child relationship-Inverted Tree Structure-This is the first logical model of DBMS. Data stored in the form of SEGMENTS. Example: IMS

Network        Any entity can be associated with any other entity. So distinguishing between parent and child is not possible. This is a linked structure model.       Data stored in RECORD and different record types are linked by SETS.        Example: IDMS

Relational       In mathematical terms, relation is TABLE. Data is stored in the form of tables consists of Tuples (rows) and attributes (columns).
                     Example: DB2       


DB2 Objects

There are two types of elements or objects in DB2.

System Objects: objects that are controlled and used by DB2.
Example: DB2 Directory, DB2 catalog, Active & Archive logs, Boot Strap Dataset (BSDS), Buffer Pools, Catalog visibility Database and Locks.

Data Objects:  Objects that are created and used by the users.
Example: Tables, Indexes, Views, Table spaces, Databases, Storage Groups.

DB2 Object-Storage Group

Storage group is a collection of direct access volumes, all of the same type.
DB2 objects are allocated in Storage group. A storage group can have maximum 133 volumes.

DB2 Object-Table Space
Table Spaces are the physical space where the tables are stored. There are three types of table spaces.

Simple Table Space:
More than one table is stored in the table space and single page can contain rows from all the tables.         

Segmented Table Space:
Segment is logically contiguous set of n pages where n is defined by SEGSIZE parameter of TABLESPACE definition. Tables are stored in one or more segments. Mass delete and sequential access are faster in Segmented type table space. Reorganization will restore the table in its clustered order. Lock table command locks only the table and not the table space.

Partitioned Table Space:
Only one table can be stored. 1-64 partitions are possible in table space. NUMPART of TABLESPACE definition decides the partitions. It is partitioned with value ranges for single or combination of columns and these columns cannot be updated. Individual partitions can be independently recovered and reorganized. Different partitions can be stored in different groups.

DB2 Object-Database

It is not a physical object. It is a logical grouping consists of Table spaces,
Index spaces, Views, Tables etc. Whenever you create an object you have to explicitly say which Database it belongs to or DB2 implicitly assigns the object to the right database.
In the creation of table, we should say in which database and in which table
Space we are housing the table (explicitly). In creating an index, we mention only the table name. DB2 decides the database from the base table name.
It can also be defined as a unit of start and stop. There can be a maximum of
65,279 databases in a DB2 Subsystem.


DB2 Object - Table

Table is a structure consists of number of columns and rows. It is created

Physical hierarchy:
ROWID is a pointer to data record in the page.
It is a 4byte field. (3 bytes for page and 1 byte for line in the page) 
Page consists of 1 to 127 data records. It is the unit of I-O.
Table space consists of pages and it is stored in STOGROUP.
Database consists of one or more table space and other related objects.


DB2 Object- Index

Generally, Index is used to access a record quickly. There are two types of
Indexes: Clustering and Non-Clustering. If there is a Clustered index is available for a table, then the data rows are stored on the same page where the other records with similar index keys are already stored on. There can be only one cluster index for a table. Refer the diagram in the next page for better understanding of clustered and non-clustered indexes.


Understanding: Root Page, Leaf Page and Non-Leaf page

Referring to VSAM basics, sequence set has direct pointers to control interval and last level indexes have pointers to sequence set and higher-level indexes have pointers to lower level indexes and there is one root index from where the B-tree starts.
Similarly Leaf-pages contain full keys with row-ids that points to data page. (Row id has page number and line number). Non-leaf pages have pointers to leaf pages or lower level non-leaf pages and the root page has pointer to first level non-leaf pages.

View of clustered index – Diagram

2 Object-Index Space

Unlike table spaces, Index spaces are automatically created when indexes are
created. Indexes are stored in index spaces.

DB2 Object - Alias & Synonym

Alias and Synonym are alternate name for a table. The main differences
between them are listed below:

Private object. Only the user who created it, can access it.
Global object. Accessible by anyone.
Used in local environment to hide the high level qualifier.
Used in distributed environment to hide the location qualifier.
When the base table is dropped, associated synonyms are automatically dropped.
When base table is dropped, aliases are not dropped.
SYSADM authority is not needed.
To create an alias, we need SYSADM authority or CREATEALIAS privilege.


DB2 Object-View

Views provide an alternative way of looking at the data in one or more tables. 
A view is a named specification of a result table. For retrieval, all views can be used
like base tables. Maximum 15 base tables can be used in a view.

Advantages of view

1.Data security:  Views allows to set-up different security levels for the same base
Table. Sensitive columns can be secured from the unauthorized Ids.

2.It can be used to present additional information like derived columns.

3.It can be used to hide complex queries. Developer can create a view that results
from a complex join on multiple tables. But the user can simply query on this view
as if it is a separate base table, without knowing the complexity behind the building.

4.It can be used for domain support. Domain identifies a valid range of values that a
column can contain. This is achieved in VIEW using WITH CHECK OPTION.

Read Only Views

Views on which INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE operations cannot be carried
out, are called non-updateable views or read only views.

Characteristics of Updateable views

1.It should be derived from one base table and should not contain derived columns.
2.Views should not contain GROUP BY, HAVING and DISTINCT clauses at the
outermost level.
3.Views should not be defined over read-only views.
4.View should include all the NOT NULL columns of the base table.

DB2 Object- Catalog

It is a data dictionary for DB2, supporting and maintaining data about the
DB2 environment. It consists of 54 tables in the system database DSNDB06.
The data in DB2, about the data in the tables are updated when RUNSTATS utility
runs. The information in the DB2 catalog table can be accessed using SQL.

DB2 Object- Directory

This is second data dictionary of DB2 and used for storing detailed, technical
information about the aspects of DB2’s operation. It is for DB2 internal use only.
It cannot be accessed using SQL statements. It is stored in the system database

DB2 Object- Active and Archive Logs

DB2 records all the data changes and significant events in active logs as and
when they occur. In case of failure, it uses this data to recover the lost information.
When active log is full, DB2 copies the content of active log to a DASD or magnetic tape data set called archive log.

DB2 Object- Boot Strap Dataset

It stores the inventory of all-active and all-archive logs. During installation of
DB2, two BSDS are created and kept in different volumes. BSDS datasets are VSAM KSDS.

DB2 Object-Buffer Pools

Buffer Pools are virtual storage area, which DB2 uses for its temporary
purpose. There are fifty 4K buffer pools and ten 32K buffer pools in DB2.
DB2 Default buffers are BP0, BP1, BP2 and BP32.

Program Preparation

SQL (Structured Query Language) is the language that is used to
Retrieve / update / delete DB2 data. SQL statements are embedded into COBOL
Program within the scope of  ‘EXEC SQL and END-EXEC.’
DB2 Program is first feed to DB2 Pre compiler that extracts the DB2
statements into DBRM and replace the source program DB2 statements with COBOL CALL statements. This modified source is passed to COBOL compiler and then link editor to generate load module. During pre compilation, time stamp token is placed on modified source and DBRM.
On the other side, DBRM undergoes binding process and DB2 Optimizes chooses the best access path for the extracted SQL statements and store it in PLAN.

Plan and Package

Binding process can happen in two stages, BIND PACKAGE and BIND PLAN.
One DBRM is created for one program. If the main program calls n number of
Sub-programs, then there will be n DBRMS in addition to main program DBRM.
These n + 1 DBRM can be directly feed to BIND PLAN to produce a single
PLAN or create m number of intermediate packages each formed by one or more DBRM. This m numbers of packages are then feed to BIND PLAN step that produces PLAN. Package is not executable but Plan is executable. To run a DB2 Program, Plan
is mandatory.

Advantages of Package:
           1.When there is a change in sub program, it is enough to recompile
the subprogram and create the PACKAGE for that sub program. There is no need
           2.Lck options and various bind options can be controlled at sub-program
           3.It avoids the cost of large bind.
           4.It reduces Rebound time.
           5.Versioning: Same package can be bounded with multiple programs with
different collection IDs.

Execution of DB2 Program

DB2 Program is executed using terminal monitor program IKJEFT01.
It can be executed using IKJEFT1A or IKJEFT1B also. They are alternate entry points of IKJEFT01.DB2 region name, program to run, DB2 plan and PARM (if needed) are provided in the SYSTSIN card of IKJEFT01. 

   DSN SYSTEM(DST2)                                   == > In DB2 test region DST2
   RUN PROGRAM(pgmname) PLAN(planname) == > Execute the program
   LIB(‘loadlibrary)                                       == > whose load module is here!      


Program Preparation in Detail


*  Time Stamp token is passed from pre-compilation stage to Load module and Plan.
When first time the plan is accessed, the time stamp of plan is verified against the time stamp of load module. If they match, then table will be accessed using the access path in PLAN and proceed further. If they don’t match, then the program abnormally ends with SQLCODE of –818. It means the load module and plan are out of sync. It usually occurs if we modify the program and pre-compile, compile and link edit but did not bind the plan with latest DBRM produced in pre-compilation stage.

There is a modification in COBOL part. There is no change in any of the DB2 statements in the program. Is binding necessary?
     Yes. It is necessary. For COBOL changes, we have to compile and link edit.
For compilation we need pre-compiled source. So new time stamp is transferred to your load module from the pre-compilation stage. If we don’t BIND it, timestamp mismatch is obvious and the program will abnormally end.

Can this time stamp check be avoided?
       If the program pre-compiled with LEVEL option, then there won’t be time stamp verification. But this option is not generally recommended.

Bind Card

BIND PACKAGE sub command is used to bind a DBRM to a package and BIND PLAN is used to bind a DBRM to a plan or group of packages to a PLAN. 

Sample Bind Card:

Bind Parameter – MEMBER and LIBRARY
DBRM to be bound is given in MEMBER and the partitioned dataset containing the DBRM is given in LIB. During BIND Package, if an existing package is used to create the new package then, COPY should be mentioned instead of MEMBER and LIBRARY.
COPYVER(version-id) – version of the copy to be used. Default is empty if omitted.

Bind Parameter – PKLIST
PKLIST is a BIND parameter of BIND PLAN. Packages to be connected with PLAN are named here.  PKLIST (COLL1.*) bound all the packages with collection ID COLL1 to the PLAN.

Package Naming – Collection-ID and Versioning
Packages have three qualifiers. Location ID is used in distributed environment. Collection ID is used for grouping of packages.
Naming Syntax: Location-id. Collection-id. Package-name

VERSION. With packages, the pre-compiler option VERSION can be used to bind multiple versions of the programs into package.

PROG-------- > Pre-compile  -----------à BIND Package --------àCOLL1.PROG.TEST
                         With VERSION(TEST)  

        -------- > Pre-compile  -----------à BIND Package --------àCOLL1.PROG.PROD
                         With VERSION(PROD)  
Bind Parameter – ACTION
Package or Plan can be an addition or replacement. Default is replacement.
REPLACE will replace an existing package with the same name, location and collection. REPLVER(version-id) will replace a specific version of an existing package.
ADD – Add the new package to SYSIBM.SYSPACKAGE.
Bind Parameter – Isolation Level
        The isolation level parameter of the BIND command describes to what extent a program bound to this package can be isolated from the effects of other programs running. This determines the duration of the page lock.
CURSOR STABILITY (CS)– As the cursor moves from the record in one page to the record in next page, the lock over the first page is released (provided the record is not updated). It avoids concurrent updates or deletion of row that is currently processing. It provides WRITE integrity.
REPEATABLE READ (RR) – All the locks acquired are retained until commit point. Prefer this option when your application has to retrieve the same rows several times and cannot tolerate different data each time. It provides READ and WRITE integrity.
UNCOMMITTED READ (UR) – It is also known as DIRTY READ. It can be applied only for retrieval SQL. There are no locks during READ and so it may read the data that is not committed. Highly dangerous and use it when concurrency is your only requirement. It finds its great use in statistical calculation of the large table and data-warehousing environment.

Bind Parameter – ACQUIRE and RELEASE

ACQUIRE(USE) and RELEASE(COMMIT) – DB2 imposes table or table space lock when it executes an SQL statement that references a table in the table space and it release the acquired lock on COMMIT or ROLLBACK. This is the default option and provides greater concurrency.
ACQUIRE(USE) and RELEASE(DEALLOCATE) – Locks table and table spaces on use and releases when the plan terminates.
ACQUIRE(ALLOCATE) and RELEASE(DEALLOCATE) – When DB2 allocates the program thread, it imposes lock over all the tables and table spaces used by the program. This option avoids deadlocks by locking your source at the beginning but it reduces concurrency.
          ACQUIRE(ALLOCATE) and RELEASE(COMMIT) is NOT ALLOWED. This increases the frequency of deadlocks.
Bind Parameter – SQLERROR
It says whether to create the package in case of SQL errors.
SQLERROR (NOPACKAGE) – Default - If there is any SQL error, package will not be created.
SQLERROR (CONTINUE) – Create the Package even if SQL errors are encountered.

Bind Parameter – VALIDATE
It controls the handling of ‘object not found’ and ‘not authorized’ errors.
Default is VALIDATE (RUN) – If all objects are found and all privileges are held, then don’t check once again at execution time. If there is any ‘privilege issue’ or ‘object not found’ error, then produce WARNING messages, bind the package and check authorization and existence at execution time.

VALIDATE (BIND) – If there is any privilege or object-not-found issue, then produce ERROR message and create the package only if SQLERROR(CONTINUE) is coded in bind card. The statement in error will not be executable.

BIND Parameter – EXPLAIN
EXPLAIN(YES) loads the access path selected by the optimizer in PLAN_TABLE. EXPLAIN(NO) is default and it wont load any such details in PLAN_TABLE.

Qualifiers are added at the bind time to the objects used in the program.
It is suggested NOT to use any qualifiers in the program and use this parameter during BIND so that the program can be easily promoted from one region to next region without any change in program.

When SQL statements are not changed but a new index is added or RUNSTATS is run, then it is advisable to do a REBIND for the best possible access path.  REBIND PLAN is cheaper than BIND with ACTION (REPLACE). 

SYSTSIN CARD should be

Host Variables

       DB2 is separate subsystem. As DB2 data are stored in external address space, you cannot directly modify or read from your program. During read, the DB2 values are retrieved into your working storage variables. During update, the DB2 columns are updated using your working storage variables. These working storage variables used for retrieving or updating DB2 data should be of same size of DB2 columns. They are called as host variables as they are defined in the host language (COBOL). Host variables are prefixed with colon ( : ) in the embedded SQL.

DCLGEN (Declaration Generator)
          DCLGEN is a DB2 utility. If we provide table details, it will generate DB2 Structure and host variable structure of the table. It can also generate NULL indicators for the NULL columns. This output is stored in a PDS member. These members are included in the program using the INCLUDE .  INCLUDE is a pre-compiler statement and so it should be coded within the scope of EXEC SQL and END-EXEC.

DCL generated host variable names are same as DB2 column names.
As underscore is not a valid character for variable names in COBOL, it is replaced by hyphen in host variable generation of DCLGEN. Prefix and suffix can be added to all the variables while creating the DCLGEN copybook.

Host variables can be declared in working storage section. But they cannot be stored in copybooks as other file layouts.
INCLUDE is expanded during pre-compilation time but COPY is expanded during compilation and so declaration of host variable in copybook will produce errors during pre-compilation.

          DECLARE TABLE, that is table structure of DCLGEN is NOT really needed for pre-compilation. But if it is used, then any misspelled table name, column names are trapped in pre-compilation stage itself.

          DB2 need not be up during pre-compilation. As pre-compiler just extracts the DB2 statements and produce DBRM, it does not need DB2 connection. But DB2 region should be up for binding as the optimizer builds access path in this stage from catalog information.

DCLGEN Panel (Option 2 of DB2I)

   |                                                                                  |
   |  DSNEDP01                   DCLGEN                             SSID: DSN         |
   |  ===>                                                                            |
   |                                                                                  |
   |  Enter table name for which declarations are required:                           |
   |   1  SOURCE TABLE NAME ===> DSN8410.EMPTABLE    (Unqualified table name)         |
   |   2  TABLE OWNER       ===>                                   (Optional)         |
   |   3  AT LOCATION ..... ===>                                   (Optional)         |
   |                                                                                  |
   |  Enter destination data set:          (Can be sequential or partitioned)         |
   |   4  DATA SET NAME ... ===> ‘SMSXL86.DB2.INCLUDE(EMPTABLE)’                      |    
   |   5  DATA SET PASSWORD ===>           (If password protected)                    |
   |                                                                                  |
   |  Enter options as desired:                                                       |
   |   6  ACTION .......... ===> ADD       (ADD new or REPLACE old declaration)       |
   |   7  COLUMN LABEL .... ===> NO        (Enter YES for column label)               |
   |   8  STRUCTURE NAME .. ===>                                     (Optional)       |
   |   9  FIELD NAME PREFIX ===>                                     (Optional)       |
   |  10  DELIMIT DBCS .... ===> YES       (Enter YES to delimit DBCS identifiers)    |
   |  11  COLUMN SUFFIX ... ===> NO        (Enter YES to append column name)          |
   |  12  INDICATOR VARS .. ===> NO        (Enter YES for indicator variables)        |
   |                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                  |
   |  PRESS: ENTER to process    END to exit      HELP for more information           |
   |                                                                                  |


DB2 Data Types and equivalent host variables.

DB2 Column
DECIMAL (p, q)
(P should be less than 32)

PIC S9(p-q)V9(q)
((P+Q)/2 +1)
PIC X(10)
PIC X(08)
PIC X(26)
CHAR(n) (n=1 to 254)
PIC X(n)
VARCHAR(n) (n=0-4046)

Limit of Date: Jan 1st 1 ad – Dec 31st 9999 AD
Limit of Time: 000000 – 240000
Limit of Time Stamp: 00010101000000000000 – 00001231240000000000


SQLCA is SQL Communication area. It is a DB2 copybook that should be included in all the DB2 programs. The fields declared in the copybook are updated for every DB2 query. The Length of SQLCA is 136. The most important field in this copybook is SQLCODE. The success or failure of DB2 query can be checked in this field.

Value of 0 in SQLCODE indicates the successful operation.
Positive value in SQLCODE indicates the completed operation with some exception
Negative value in SQLCODE indicates the unsuccessful operation.

So it is common programming practice that the SQLCODE of every query must be verified for valid values after the execution of the query. If the SQLCODE value is not acceptable, then the control is transferred to ABEND routine that would end the program with proper error messages.

SQLERRD (3) contains the number of rows affected by a DB2 INSERT/DELETE operation. If the operation is DELETE, this contains number of rows deleted after the execution of the query.

WHENEVER statement
WHENEVER is a error-trapping statement that directs the processing to continue or branch to an error handling routine based on the SQLCODE returned for the statement. When it processed, it applies to all the subsequent SQL statements issued by the application program.

WHENEVER condition action

Action can be either CONTINUE or GO TO.

SQLWARNING is TRUE if SQLCODE is greater than zero but not equal to 100
SQLERROR is TRUE if SQLCODE is less than zero.

It is almost always safe to code specific SQLCODE checks after each SQL statement and process accordingly. Avoid using WHENEVER.

DSNTIAR is an IBM supplied program, which would display the error messages in a formatted way. Most of the installations call this program in their error routine.



    05 ERROR-LEN PIC S9(04) COMP VALUE +1320.


Components of DB2

            DB2 internal structure is very complex and contains large number of components. But from a high-level point of view, DB2 can be considered to have four major components.

System Services component: Supports system operation, operator communication, logging and similar function.

Locking services component: Provides the necessary controls for managing concurrent access to data.

Database services component: Supports the definition, retrieval and update of user and system data.

Distributed data facility component: Provides DB2’s distributed database support.

Before get into SQL, let us briefly see the sub- components of Database services component.

Database services component

          It has five sub-components in it. We have already discussed the functions of two components – Pre-compiler and Optimizer (Bind)

Runtime supervisor:
It is resident in the main memory when the application program is executing. Its job is to oversee that execution. When the program requests some database operation to be performed, control first goes to the runtime supervisor, which uses the control information in the application plan to request the appropriate on the part of the Data Manager.

Data Manager (DM):
It performs all the normal access method functions – search, retrieval, update etc. It invokes other system components in order to perform detail functions such as locking, logging etc.

Buffer Manager (BM):
It is responsible for transferring the data between external storage and virtual memory. It uses sophisticated techniques such as ‘read-ahead-buffering’ and ‘lock-aside-buffering’ to get the best performance out of the buffer pools under its control to minimize the amount of physical i/o actually performed.

Catalog and Directory are also part of Database services component only.


SQL is fourth generation language. The definition of fourth language is ‘Tell the need. System will get it done for you ‘. There is no need to instruct the method to get it.

For example, I want list of employees working currently in Malaysia. If the data is in file, then I have to declare, define, and Open the file. Then I should read all the records into my working storage one by one and if their location is Malaysia, I display them. Finally I close the file.

If the data is in DB2, I would simply write a query (SELECT * FROM table where location=’Malaysia’’) and DB2 optimizer do everything for me in identifying the best access path. No worries of DECLARE, DEFINE, OPEN, READ and OMIT stuffs. That’s the power of fourth generation language and that makes the programmer life easy!!

SQL has three kinds of statements.
DDL–Data Definition Language Statements        CREATE ALTER DROP
DML–Data Manipulation Language Statements   SELECT INSERT UPDATE DELETE
DCL–Data Control Language Statements           GRANT REVOKE


This statement is used to create DB2 objects.
General Syntax                     CREATE object object-name parameters
Table creation Sample            CREATE TABLE table-name         
              (Column definitions,
                Primary Key definition,
                Foreign Key definition,
                Alternate Key definition,
                LIKE table-name /View-name,
                IN DATABASE-NAME.TABLESPACE-NAME)                   
DDL-Column Definition
Define all the columns using the syntax:
Column-name Data-type Length (NULL/NOT NULL/ NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT)  

Data-types are already explained in DCLGEN section.
Ø  Column-name can be of maximum length 30. It should start with an alphabet and it can contain numbers and underscore.
Ø  NULL means UNKNOWN, if the value is not supplied during an insertion of a row, then NULL will be inserted into this column.
Ø  NOT NULL means, value for this column should be mentioned when inserting a row in the table. NOT NULL with DEFAULT means, if the value for this column is not supplied during an insertion, then based on type of the column default values will be moved into the table. Default values are listed in the below table.

Data- Type
Default Value
Empty String (String of length 0)

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