Well, history is written based on the records which people have about these so called great people. It is important that everybody should know the reality…… …..may be after their death. It’s inevitable that the truth about them comes out after their death because while alive they are so powerful that they would have killed the concern people.
Let me elaborate my point: Do you know that still in India more than 50% people(I am talking about uneducated and some of educated) think that Indira Gandhi was daughter of
M K Gandhi. Everybody knows contribution of M K Gandhi in India’s freedom movement. So they always thought her as a great person. Not only in India even western people think that Indira Gandhi was daughter of M K Gandhi. Well, Nehru really did not do anything about Indian freedom movement except he demanded to be the first PM of India. So people think her as a Goddess. It’s true that she was married to Firoz Khan Gandhi (who was a Punjabi-Parsi).
After she had Sanjay and Rajeev they could not get along with each other. Sanjay was with her in India but Rajiv was out of India for education. She kept him away purposefully.
Sanjay and she was also not getting along with because he started taking interest in politics and was knowing many of her secrets including her affairs. So she murdered him.
Do you know that how India’s partition happened? It was tug of war between two ambitious people: One of them was Nehru (of Indian Congress) and another was Br. Jinna(of Muslim League). Both were Cambridge graduated. Both did not contribute much in freedom fighting movement.
Due to Lady Baton’s close contact to Nehru (Nehru had an affair with her which was accepted by Mt. Baton) it was most likely that British were going to make Nehru as PM.
But Jinna did not accept it and asked for a separate Muslim state. This discussion was held back at Cambridge. Gandhi was not interested in power because by that time he had become a spiritual person. If he would have accepted to be India’s PM then partition would not have occurred as Br. Jinna also was accepting Gandhi’s leadership. It was clear that if Gandhi will not become PM then Mt. Baton will make Nehru as PM. So Muslim league gave air to Hindu-Muslim conflict in the area and asked for separate Muslim nation. To avoid more bloodshed Gandhi did not have any alternative than to accept ML demands. On 15th August 1947 two nations were created.
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