Ever wonder how we got along without cell phones, BlackBerrys, notebook computers, and fax machines? How did our past generations manage to have fun without video games, MP3 players, and DVRs?

Come to think of it, how did we ever survive without the Internet?

I don't know how, but they did. And you know what? They don't remember ever thinking that they were missing something. They played records, wrote letters, used the phone book, and shopped at stores.

But then for us we got "GADGETS" for everything they make our lives very easier n entertaining....

Today GADGETS evolved n are ruling the technology in this technical world. ..

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Thursday, August 28, 2008


City-In-a-Pyramid Could House a Million Dubaians, Power Itself
A particularly optimistic design firm in Dubai called Timelinks has proposed designs for the Ziggurat, a complete city to be layered inside of a massive pyramid that could serve as home for a million people at a time. Timelinks is currently seeking patents for a variety of technologies that would make such a building possible, including a three axis public transportation system that would run residents up, through and across the pyramid. They've also claimed that with a hybrid wind, solar and steam power the Ziggurat would be able to meet its own power needs, and that there would be enough room to allow for some minor agriculture in designated "green spaces." More »

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